
Sitting on a park bench,
Enjoying the sunshine,
Listening to the sound of birds chattering and calling to one another,
Breathing in the fresh, heady scent of Spring blossoms;
Eyes closed, face tilted up, the corners of my mouth lifted in a smile.

My smile of contentment reveals the peace I feel,
But it doesn’t tell the whole story.
I am filled with wonder; I am filled with joy.
God’s gratuitous grace abounds.

In this mid-morning reprieve the day pauses in suspense,
Like an inhaled breath, like my life,
Waiting for me to exhale,
To step forward in faith.

(Inspired by 100 word challenge: “Gratuitous“)

About Fran Hart

Disciple of Christ, earning a living as the director of US-based operations for a Taiwanese company, managing an engineering organization while carving out time to write. Wife, Mother, Grandmother.
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7 Responses to Grace

  1. barbara says:

    God’s gratuitous grace abounds.

    Indeed it does. He is mighty and powerful and loving and GOOD. Amen, sister. Good use of the word.

  2. Tara R. says:

    Sometimes you just have to be still and listen. Nicely done.

  3. June B. Anderson says:

    This reminds me of…me! I love to sit in the sunshine and feel its warmth on my face and smell the flowers. God IS so good! Thanks for this peace-bringing work of art.

  4. TherExtras says:

    Your words conveyed the feeling well-enough for me to feel it, too.

  5. Lance says:

    evocative, I felt it all. Good job.

  6. evenstarwen says:

    What a wonderful moment that you can take throughout the day. We all need an extra awareness of grace.

  7. Velvet Verbosity says:

    Lovely moment, thank you for sharing it!

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