dis·ci·pline n. – activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training: A daily stint at the typewriter is excellent discipline for a writer.
It’s not easy. It takes conscious, deliberate effort.
From Wikipedia: In its most general sense, discipline refers to systematic instruction given to a disciple. Self-discipline refers to the training that one gives one’s self to accomplish a certain task or to adopt a particular pattern of behaviour, even though one would really rather be doing something else.
This week I joined the Facebook family. It is crazy! I already have 38 friends. It seems like a good way to get in touch/stay in touch. I’m killing time establishing networks. I’m sure this is productive and rewarding. Oh wait! I’m supposed to be writing! So…time to do my daily post for NaBloPoMo. Hmmm. What to write about? Yesterday I responded to my sister’s comment – poking me about my bible-thumpin’ ways. I decided to embrace who I am, realizing that what I have to say may render me less popular amongst the fickle blogger crowd, but also realizing that I’m not blogging for the sake of popularity. I’m blogging to share a message. I’m blogging to establish myself as a writer…to develop my voice and style. But it sure does take discipline.
A friend of my sister’s posted on her computer monitor “Discipline eliminates regret.” I like that. I try to live life without regrets (not just wreckless abandon). I am on my 45th post in 43 days. On this site, that is. On my non-parenting site I’ve posted 25 times in the last 43 days. That’s a total of 70 posts or 1.63 posts per day (Sorry! I’m an Engineer). Not all of them are tied to scripture, but increasingly I feel compelled to do more than just blah-blah-blah-blog. Maybe the job change shifted my perspective. Perhaps because it seems the right thing to do. Here it is for today:
2 Timothy 1:6-8 “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God…. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord.”
MB – Let me know if you don’t want to be linked. I won’t be offended. Love you!