Where shall I begin?

America’s past beckons, as we travel through space and time. We’re a week into a 31 day odyssey.

Another journey, my personal quest, began in fits and starts more than a year ago, most notably marked by events such as George Floyd’s murder and the subsequent riots, a MAGA hat, the ignorant and indiscrimant canceling of historical figures, including Nancy Green who was stripped of honor because she’s black and the BLM movement’s cool with that, Nascar’s decision to pull the Confederate flag, etc. etc. …and by the 1st Presidential debate I felt compelled to understand current events in the context of the New Revised Standard History.

Be concerned for our Nation. The new Progressive Left’s narrative is twisted and biased, an intrinsically racist ideology. What happened to equal opportunity and freedom for all?

Some thought I could be fixed with exposure to White Fragility and other Woke rhetoric. It didn’t work. But, I listened and kept listening. I noticed themes.

White Privilege appears to be Coastal Privilege, along the Northeast (Atlantic) and Southwest (Pacific). The epicenter might be the stretch between N. VA and MA.

There’s not much privilege the south. Not when you consider the relative principles of privilege. {Relative to South Africa and Liberia, American’s are holistically privileged.}

White Guilt can rest on the shoulders of the Union / Northern States, bearing the shame of their own hypocrisy (maintaining slavery until well after the war and enacting racist laws throughout the 1800’s). Union anti-South propaganda predates the war, veiling their own duplicity. The South took their whupping while the North swept dirt under their rugs and tucked skeletons into closets.

{You might be hollering about the racist South, but the South wasn’t all that racist before the war, believe it or not. (Some were, no doubt, but speaking in generalities.) They were quite classist, though. Their contempt of all poor, including slaves but especially the useless poor whites, is well documented. Sadly, ugly racism in the South began after the Civil War, when the freed blacks were dumped off the bottom rung of social order into the crowd of poor whites scrabbling the hard earth below.}

Systemic Racism is evident in the accepted practice of Affirmative Action, such as College Entrance requirements which favor blacks (perhaps to their disservice). Asians, however, are disfavored yet it hasn’t slowed them down much, as a whole.

Recently, a new theologist of CRT and BLM conducted our Monticello slave tour, confirming expectations. The true believers are performing parrots, not bound by facts or logic, and the doting sheep can’t get enough of it. Unable to defend their double standards, the parrots dance, blow smoke and throw darts. The sheep are mesmerized.

The double standards of today are rooted in our founding, in a declared independence established on a free-labor economy. Our foundation needs to be fortified by the truth. We must acknowledge the horrors of chattel slavery, but also consider the implications for *all* caught in the nets of poverty, prejudice and the laws and practices spawned by the oppressors.

Reframing ongoing problems of classist oppression as a function of race prevents resolution of the real issues; politicians will maintain their popular platforms. We need to break the cycle.

This blog’s coming back to life as a place to compile my research, develop my theories and freely speak my mind, away from the madding crowd.

I’ve heard there’s a broad Middle, mostly drowned out and deafened by the vocal Left.

Perhaps things will be quieter here, under my own vine and fig tree.

All are welcome.

About Fran Hart

Disciple of Christ, earning a living as the director of US-based operations for a Taiwanese company, managing an engineering organization while carving out time to write. Wife, Mother, Grandmother.
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