We had a family reunion of sorts this evening; all but the oldest gathered together for dinner. Middle daughter, accompanied by spouse and our precious 9-month old grandson. Youngest daughter visiting during Spring Break. And or course, our 14YO son, who still lives at home.
At the moment, I’m home alone, sipping wine and trying to unwind. Our son went to spend the night with youngest daughter at her home-away-from-home…where she went to live when she moved out on the eve of her 18th birthday. Hubby is giving middle daughter, SIL and g-son a ride to the MIL’s 1 bedroom apartment, where md, SIL and g-son live.
My nerves are about shot. Mostly from the effort needed to keep my mouth shut without clenching my jaw. For instance, Hubby mentioned that he wants to put an island into the kitchen. MD says “Don’t do that! You should be giving $ to your g-son so we have $ to buy food.” She’s not working, but SIL is working…almost full-time. Or like when she told us we should quit being hard on our youngest.
Middle daughter is at the age where she knows much more about parenting than we do and is giving us advice. Hubby engaged, I ignored. So much more fun to coo with the g-son than to debate parenting techniques with a know-it-all 20YO.
But it got me thinking about perspective and I decided today’s image for “Blueprint Madness” should be a reflection on perspective.
I don’t know how you do it. One of them would have marks around her neck if I were there. Plus bruises where I wacked them across the head. I’m glad you were able to rise above. Some day they will laugh at their young self-righteous, holier than thou selves.
Hugs and love
Thanks, Sis.
oh wow … this all reminds me of my times growing up …. and telling my parents off for how they were bringing my little sister up …. and indeed, family life at the time did resemble that great illustration of yours!
It’s amazing how the fruit of the spirit “Self-control” requires the Spirit to pull off. Well done, sister! It reminds me of the baptismal vow “I will with God’s help” Amen!
That image perfectly reflects the post.
You handled it well. I might’ve missed this somewhere, but isn’t it progress that your youngest daughter came home for a visit? And son visiting her – a good thing, too?
The take-home lesson after this with MD could be, narrow the topics discussed with her – nothing related to spending money….if you and your hubby can agree on that.
Sending sympathy. ManChild is home for spring break. Good and not-so-good, erm, he’s still developing. I remind him he is not Younger Teen’s parent after he waxes his limited wisdom for her first job this summer. The good – he does not continue adamantly to ‘win’ the conversation. He seeks affirmation or agreement with me.
And yes, he’s trying to get me to hold his hand for some stuff – and go buy him some clothes. We’ll see if his time allows – he’s still asleep. chkl.
Oh man, the bite marks you must have on your tongue! 😉
I’m glad you got some time to coo at your grandson.