Thirst for Wisdom

“He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe.” Proverbs 28:26

At the end of the four day “A Woman Inspired” Webinar, all I can say is “Praise God.” I won the privilege of attending, it wasn’t something I set out to do. In the middle of chaos and a crazy work schedule I put 4 hours per day of sessions on my calendar, and made time for the inspired women who put this together. “Praise God.”

By the end, I’m blissful and joyful. I’m so filled with joy my eyes are leaking. Today I went to the Maundy Thursday service that ends with the stripping of the altar. What a stark revelation – what life would be like without our savior. What a blessing, knowing that He is risen. “Praise God.”

Even knowing “how the movie ends” I found myself weeping at the thought of how desperate our lives would be without Him. Life without wisdom. Life trusting ourselves. Foolishness. Fortunately, God so loved the world He gave His only son to save us. “Praise God.”

God, protect me from foolishness. Help me to stay humble. Help me to hold on to this “mountaintop” and refrain from temptations of independence. Let me ever seek You. Let me ever walk with You. Keep me safe.


About Fran Hart

Disciple of Christ, earning a living as the director of US-based operations for a Taiwanese company, managing an engineering organization while carving out time to write. Wife, Mother, Grandmother.
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