We arrived at Woody’s just as dawn was breaking. Hubby’s walking ahead of me, just about to turn around and tell me to hurry up! Actually, he gave me the same look he gives me when we go grocery shoppingn together. No words required. Our guide is one of the men standing on the dock, BS’ing with his compadres about the big fish that were just waiting for the mainlanders.
The excursion was a 6 hour adventure on a boat with no amenities. By “amenities” I mean “place to go potty” so we were very cautious with our water consumption. There was very little fishing if by “fishing” we mean “bringing fish onto the boat and putting them away for safekeeping”. We threw back about 4 Red fish because they were too small. Another misnomer about the fishing trip – I never touched a single piece of bait and I never cast once, even though I know how. Apparently the goal of the guide is for you to catch your limit so he can hustle you back to the pier. Unfortunately for him, the fish weren’t biting.
At the end of the day we had caught 1 Red fish that was big enough to keep and 3 Mango snappers. We had them for dinner last night with a tortilla chip breading and a mango-tequila dressing. Yum!
That’s the man I married 24 years ago. He wasn’t much of a chef back then, but he was a worthwhile investment. He, my friends, is a keeper.