If someone had told me at the first of the year that I’d be considering running in a 5K before the year was half over I’d have said “5K”? Or something equally witty because seriously, it would have been beyond reason to even imagine such a thing. Now I’m not only imagining it, I’m actively researching my options and looking for the lucky winner of my first 5K entry. Runtex offers quite a variety and that’s only a start.
Last summer I swam laps (our pool is a 33′ lap lane), dreaming of the day I might participate in a Danskin relay (swimming, of course). I often joked that I wasn’t a triathlete, I was a uni-athlete. I don’t run and I don’t bike. But it turns out I do run and I can certainly ride a bike. So maybe after I finish my first 5K I’ll look into my options for a triathlon.
It turns out, Austin is filled with fitness-fiends. I’m just one of a crowd. And I’m really looking forward to experiencing this milestone. I’ve come a long way, baby.