In October I started writing a book on parenting and our relationship with God. It’s not a how-to book by any stretch of the imagination. It’s just my musings on these topics. It reads a lot like posts I put on my other blog. It’s nothing like the posts I put on this blog, which seem to be mostly about the things my cat drags in.
I was plodding along through my life, bemoaning all of the challenges and difficulties and wishing I could write full time. As much as my job motivates me to do something else, the regular pay outweighs quite a lot of the challenges and difficulties. I prayed about the situation regularly.
Then a couple of things happened at once. Guideposts agreed to publish my 2nd story (March issue). And NaNoWriMo crossed my radar. Who wouldn’t want to write a novel? I joined over 150,000 other aspiring novelists in the ambitious goal of penning (keyboarding?) 50,000 words beginning November 1st and finishing (and posting the completed work) before midnight on November 30th.
Because I’m an overachiever … and because I’m leaving for China on November 30th, I set a personal goal to finish by November 20th. Which happens to be my 45th birthday.
Even though I could feel guilty about abandoning my blogs and allowing them to fall to the wayside while I plunge into writing as a part-time job rather than the hobby it’s been for the last year or so, I don’t. I’m proud of myself for finally getting off my butt (or rather sitting my butt down!) and acting on a dream. God willing, this dream will become my life.
So if you happen by this blog and wonder whatever happened to the woman who used to live here, I ask that you give me a little time because this turn in my life is requiring both hands on the wheel and both eyes on the road.