I had just started this blog when a friend led me to the 31 for 21 commitment to raise awareness of Down Syndrome. Not being one to tread lightly, even in dangerous waters, I jumped right in. It’s no surprise (to me, anyway) that this exercise has proven to be a huge blessing in my life. I’ve made new friends, I’ve developed a new discipline, I’ve found folks I admire, I’ve (so far) avoided being sucked *too far* into the vortex of addiction (losing hours to the inifinity of fascinating blogs written by others)….. I have no doubt that this exercise is the handrail I need as I transition roles in my other life (the one that pays the bills).
Coincidentally, or maybe not, I also started attending Adult Christian Education (aka Sunday School) about a month ago. We’re studying Ecclesiastes. Starting with “Everything is meaningless,” there is a very powerful message regarding priorities and attitude.
Everything happens for a reason.