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Category Archives: faith
Who am I and what am I doing here?
This year has been very challenging for me in many respects. And it’s only half over. My vision for how things would go and where I would be right now? Well…it’s been a rough road and I’m not where I … Continue reading
Yeah…about that first week….
Sometimes when we say “if you know what I mean….” we’re really saying “I don’t have the time, energy or inclination to explain what I mean right now. Mark‘s open-mindedness has impressed me and I’m still exploring some of his … Continue reading
Posted in faith, healing, Inspiration, Lingering thoughts, prayer, spirit, trust, Wisdom
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Ask and it shall be given unto you
Yesterday I prayerfully asked God to guide me in my response to Mark. I don’t generally consider myself an evangelist, yet I’m growing as an apologist. If I take some small liberty with the definitions, I could say that an … Continue reading
God, our Father and the Creator of all things
God’s ways are mysterious, of this I have no doubt. These days I’ve been too busy to keep up with the blogs I typically savor, much less to comment. I do occasionally glance at a dozen or so tweets, just … Continue reading
Posted in Bible, faith, family, father, Inspiration, Tips for Better Living, Wisdom, Writing
Lent is a time for change
I am in the middle of an epic internal conflict, wringing my hands and crying, “What to do? What to do?” Why the drama? My last two Lenten reflections left me looking through the glass darkly, wondering what’s in store … Continue reading
Posted in Bible, discipline, faith, Lent, prayer, Wants, Wisdom, Writing
Lent is a time to repent and heed God’s call
We are all called to repent and we are called to follow Jesus. When we repent, first we (probably) feel guilt or remorse for our misdeeds, then (ideally) we turn away from the “bad” behavior and move towards more noble … Continue reading
Posted in Bible, discipline, faith, Lent, love, Tips for Better Living, Writing
1 Comment
Lenten considerations
Jesus told his disciples, I am the Bread of Life; whoever eats of my flesh and drinks of my blood will have eternal life. This startling disclosure came shortly after the miraculous feeding of five thousand with five loaves of … Continue reading
Posted in Bible, discipline, faith, Lent, love, Tips for Better Living
A Tale About Trolls
Once upon a time, in a land that might or might not be far, far away, there lived a troll. This troll, like any troll, had “issues”, not the least of which is her overwhelming anger. Sure she had friends … Continue reading
Posted in adulthood, angst, child-rearing, children, discipline, faith, family, Is it just me?, life, love, mature, prayer, Tips for Better Living, trust, Wisdom
Three Words for 2011 (and insight into how my mind works)
Sure, I’d heard a bit of the buzz…but amidst all of the noise and fanfare of the incoming new year I’d not stopped to discern just what was that buzzing noise I was hearing about “3 words”. Then a friend … Continue reading
Posted in adulthood, discipline, faith, life, love, prayer, Tips for Better Living, trust, Wants, Writing
Are you a Coach, a Mentor, a Leader or a Manager?
In the world today, everyone is someone – at a minimum, you are your own boss. I don’t mean in the sense of owning your business; I mean in the sense of how you manage yourself. Whether you like it … Continue reading
Posted in adulthood, discipline, education, faith, Is it just me?, life, mature, trust, Wisdom
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