The phone rang at 4am.

Nothing good can come from this.

I wake my spouse, “What’s amiss?”

“Hello? Hello?” he answers gruffly,

Then disconnects, just as roughly.

“Who so rudely breaks our slumber?”

“Can you believe it? Wrong number!”


I missed the deadline with my Week 16 entry for the Trifecta Writing Challenge, but undaunted I plunge ahead with a 33 word Trifextra response for Week 6 (Complete the following story with 33 words: The phone rang at 4am.)!

About Fran Hart

Disciple of Christ, earning a living as the director of US-based operations for a Taiwanese company, managing an engineering organization while carving out time to write. Wife, Mother, Grandmother.
This entry was posted in 33 words, Challenged, Fiction, Trifecta, Trifextra, Writing. Bookmark the permalink.

20 Responses to The phone rang at 4am.

  1. Love this! I hate those middle of the night calls.

  2. The fact that you spun it into poetry made it fun and fresh.
    “What’s amiss?” made me laugh, because it fit the poem perfectly, but no one can speak so well when woken in the middle of the night. In a good way!
    Came from the Trifextra linkup.

  3. Mel says:

    I like the rhyming! I can’t stand those dumb wrong numbers. 😛

  4. Lance says:

    love th style…the scheme is really good. well done.

  5. Trifecta says:

    Thanks so much for linking up to Trifextra. Remember, this weekend’s entries are being judged by the Trifecta community, so make sure you visit the site at the close of the challenge to vote. Our linking service will not allow you to vote for a link from the same computer where it was submitted, so plan ahead! Voting closes 12 hours after the close of the challenge. Winners will be announced with the Monday post. Hope to see you back then.

  6. I like the poetic twist on the prompt.

  7. Amanda says:

    I like the impatience implied in the back-to-back “Hello? Hello?”

  8. Quoth the raven, “Wrong number.”

  9. Loved this, rhyming form and all. I was suspicious, though – sometimes hang-ups happened when the person of the wrong gender answers the phone… “I told you never to call me here!” But then, at 4 am??!! So my faith in fidelity is thus restored!

    Amy Barlow Liberatore

    • Fran Hart says:

      You bring to mind the lyrics from an old country song, “Your ‘nobody’ called today; she hung up when I asked her name.” … “Hello? Hello???”

  10. karen says:

    Brilliant. I’m not always one that “gets” poetry, but this one got me!

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