Healing of diseases and demons

It seems interesting to me that there were so many folks in the New Testament who were healed of demons. You don’t hear too much about demon-possession these days. Is it possible we are overlooking the opportunity to solicit God’s healing grace? I have a hard time believing the world has been cured of demons. I’m going to give this a little more thought….

About Fran Hart

Disciple of Christ, earning a living as the director of US-based operations for a Taiwanese company, managing an engineering organization while carving out time to write. Wife, Mother, Grandmother.
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2 Responses to Healing of diseases and demons

  1. therextras says:

    Hi, Fran, and thank you for this post. It fits in perfectly among others in the blog carnival. Barbara

  2. Jeanette says:

    This isn’t something that I have given much thought to. I think maybe I ought to. I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on it.

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