I am honored

Yesterday I was blessed several times, in several ways, but for the sake of brevity I will only mention those blessings that are relevant. First, in compliance with my Obsessive/Compulsive ways I checked my blog first thing in the morning to see if any of the world’s blog-fairies had stopped by and left a comment. Lo and behold, I had been blessed. Cha Cha, a lady I truly admire for her positive and resilient attitude, had not only commented, but left me “a little something” at her blog.


I am so honored … I was rendered speechless. I had to run to get ready for Church but I was sailing on high spirits.

My next blessing was at Church. During announcements our priest asked me stand up and he told the congregation about my Guidepost article. I blushed to my roots and my spirit soared. The double-whammy of recognition. The irony is that I’m blessed all over and I know it. Top to bottom, side to side.

Now…back to the award. This is the important part, so pay attention. The principle is “pay it forward.” I’m now responsible for recognizing the bloggers I read regularly and admire for their superior scribbling. I can’t give it back to Cha Cha, as much as she deserves it (such as her last post which reminds me that I too share a love of stationary and am obliged to write thank you notes).

So without further ado, or rambling or random comment (too late!) I’d like to acknowledge and reward these bloggers who (whom?) I love:

My lovely sister ADallasDiva, who prompted my initial blogging forays several years ago, then prompted me again back in September when I was whining mentioning my desire to get into the writing habit. As my younger sister she has always been mini-me so it’s great to role-reverse. I read her blog regularly, even if she posts irregularly. And, she was published before I was.

My dear friend Jeanette, Mom and advocate – she inspires many. Maybe because I’m not living with a toddler and incredibly energetic preschooler, I’m able to laugh and laugh at her children’s antics.

And the marvelous Barbara, who shares her knowledge, training, experience and wisdom on life and parenting (not meaning to imply they’re separate concepts, but sometimes parenting precludes life, right?).

Barbara has been educating us on Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) and I’d venture to say that bestowing this award is akin to delivering each of the winners a gold star. Kudos to you, my friends. Pass this forward to those scribblers you love and let them know you care.


About Fran Hart

Disciple of Christ, earning a living as the director of US-based operations for a Taiwanese company, managing an engineering organization while carving out time to write. Wife, Mother, Grandmother.
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5 Responses to I am honored

  1. Cha Cha says:

    Yay! I’m glad to be a part of your happy day. And I didn’t know you and DallasDiva are sisters! I love you both!

  2. therextras says:

    You are so sweet to think of me – I am honored to be acknowledged by you! I just copied the award with plans to quickly install it ‘on the fridge door’ on my site.

    I’m gonna follow the lead of another Mom blogger, and decline passing-on the award. That does not lessen the value I place on receiving it from you.
    Gratefully yours, Barbara

  3. Jeanette says:

    Thank you, my dear. I could use some sweetness in these days of sickness. ugh! You are such a doll! The only bad part of your vacation was my own selfishness… I missed you.

  4. you gotta wonder says:

    Thank you again, Cha Cha, for giving me some sweetness to pass along.

    Thank you Barbara and Jeanette for all of your kind support.

  5. dallasdiva says:

    Awwww, you are soo sweet. Of course I’m going to need help figuring out how to get it on my blog, but that is part of what makes it so fabulous that you are now blogging.

    I love you.

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