
Margaret sits in the waiting room, alone with her thoughts. The events of this morning, looping in her mind like a tragic news clip, solely hers to witness.

“Mama! I’m imbisible!”

With less than a second’s consideration she’d responded, “You mean ‘invincible’.”

“Yeah!” said her son, her precious dare-devil, only child, wearing last Halloween’s superman costume, now too small, with torn elbows and shredded knees. “I’m IN-VINCIBLE!” pronounced so carefully.

With a shout he was off again. She was grateful for the opportunity to focus on her work.

Now, guilt infuses her waiting. Five year olds are not invincible.

This 100 word challenge post.

About Fran Hart

Disciple of Christ, earning a living as the director of US-based operations for a Taiwanese company, managing an engineering organization while carving out time to write. Wife, Mother, Grandmother.
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8 Responses to Waiting

  1. Bo says:

    It amazes me that children dont have a fear in the world!

  2. barbara says:

    ahhh the mother's angst. Yup – Grammas are prey to it as well. Thank goodness for the invincibility of little boys – without it how would we grow? 🙂 Well done.

  3. dxpepper says:

    whoa .. .. – Thanks for the reminder to watch my 5 year old son who thinks that he is inbisable ….. nice job with the word!

  4. bama Cheryl says:

    Nice job – kids indeed believe they are inbisable.

  5. Tara R. says:

    At that age they are fearless. Wonderful telling.

  6. rhymereasonandreality says:

    Very well said…thanks for sharing!!!

  7. you gotta wonder says:

    Thank you for your comments! It helped that I spent a few days with my 5 year old grandson this week.

  8. Velvet Verbosity says:

    My son has averaged 1 ER visit for every year of his life. I'm well versed in the un-invincibility factor! Eeesh.

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