
On Good Friday, He died for our sins.

On Saturday, His believers did not know or fully understand. They feared. They doubted. They waited, uncertain, for what would become the first Easter morning, the day of His resurrection.

On Easter Sunday, despite trustworthy witnesses, Thomas insisted he must see, and touch His wounds, for himself. Christ appeared before the disciples again, fulfilling promises, sharing a meal, living the blessing, blessing the living and the dead.

Now we know the distance between death and life: one man’s arms spread wide, nailed to the cross. He died so we might live.

This post is inspired by velvetverbosity.com 100 word challenge. This week’s word: “Distance”.

About Fran Hart

Disciple of Christ, earning a living as the director of US-based operations for a Taiwanese company, managing an engineering organization while carving out time to write. Wife, Mother, Grandmother.
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4 Responses to Celebration

  1. Lance says:

    what a powerful and beautiful post.

    You told the story of all stories in 100 words. Well done.

  2. barbara says:

    from one Hand to Another.

    thank you for this post!

  3. Beautiful, no words to describe how this made me feel. Thank you for stopping by and your heartfelt comments.

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