
I’d have told anyone who asked it was harmless. The ads and posters touting the dangers had nothing to do with me. I was fifteen.

From my first drag I was addicted. A pack of cigarettes cost less than a dollar. Smoking bans were barely a twinkle in some legislator’s eye. I sat in a restaurant and drew in the poison. I exhaled slowly, watching the smoke rise, loving the new me. On that day I became a smoker.

Forty years later I sit in the stink, stains and ashes that cover my life, wishing I’d heeded the warnings.

This is a response to the 100 word challenge put forth by Velvet Verbosity.

About Fran Hart

Disciple of Christ, earning a living as the director of US-based operations for a Taiwanese company, managing an engineering organization while carving out time to write. Wife, Mother, Grandmother.
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7 Responses to Regrets

  1. dxpepper says:

    Now that should be a PSA heard by everyone!

  2. barbara says:

    my hubby kicked his 37 year old habit when he was 43 – yes, you see that correctly. He started stealing cigs from his mother's purse when he was 6. It was not fun for him – or any of us – when he quit. But it was a blessing to him – and all of us. Hang in there.

    Good piece!

  3. June B. Anderson says:

    Wow. Do you realize how many volumes you just wrote in 100 words? Now…if only people would read it and heed it. Good job.

  4. you gotta wonder says:

    Thank you for your comments! Thankfully I kicked the habit in 2004. It's hard for me to imagine that I was once a smoker. I'm glad those days are behind me.

  5. Bo says:

    So many people have been there. Smoking seems like one of the most "harmless" addictions. My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 6 years ago, so harmless: I think not…

    Very well written. Thank you.

  6. rhymereasonandreality says:

    VERY powerful!!!

  7. Velvet Verbosity says:

    Addiction to anything is like a yoke around the neck. A friend of mine had success by reading the book, "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking". Maybe you should read it. 🙂

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